This is Nicky. He is really sick and I need to take him to the vet soonest. Been giving him lots of vit. lately. I take off from work today to do alot of errands and to bring Nicky for check up. I am rushing for time now, so posting this short post first. I will continue to write more in details tonight with God willing!
I wanted to post about the incident during my shifting with the cats and everything but could not find the right time yet to elaborate in details ever since I got this new job. I am truly happy working there, but you know one got to be so committed to it, right? I am so committed and and my day off alternate Saturday and every Sunday. Insha Allah, I will come back to continue writing tonight, either I will edit this post or will post something new on the top, let's see what is best!.
Happy Fluffy Friday to all members and viewers.
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The first two commenters will get my Linky love
oh poor Nicky.. what's wrong with him Lil? I hope he feels better soon..
Happy FF dearie!
:) ;) 8-) Thanks for visiting.
meow meow Lil! Thanks so much for visiting me today sweetie! :* :* :*
I'm happy to see u so dedicated at ur new job Lil.. alternate weekends off, fuyooooo kerja keras nampaknya.. but it's all good yes? :-D :-D :-D
Happy Fluffy Friday to u, Nicky and the rest of ur kids.. I hope everyone is keeping warm during this rainy season... sejuk! :)
I have a strong feeling dia kena flea attack! Nasib baik lain tak kena, I cuci his ears and patches of his body with "Surolan" recommended by Dr. Yuan when I took him for the first time and its seems got to test blood, not sure what sickness. I have experienced previously long time ago when one of my cats had the same symptom. These fleas they can attack the nerves of animals till the victims could not walk straight. I will also buy the flea spray tomorrow, forgot the name but I have the sample of the old spray. Poor Nicky do not know from where he got it. But abt 3 weeks ago, this cousin of mine dok bawa 1 kitten and put at my place and when I see it's ears yesterday nampak macam "kurap" but she replied bukan. This woman memang pain in the ass, dari dulu dok make my life miserable dgn entah lah apa2 aje. She already agree to take this kitten and jaga, yg I hairan dia yg jumpa kenapa dok tinggal kat I pula, sama lah macam orang Terengganu, mereka ni pandai mainkan I dgn emotional blackmail! Geram tau! :( :( :( >:o >:o >:o
Hi my dearest Marzie, kesian you, yesterday and today I tried all outl to come here at the comments column, cannot get thru' many time. So today, earlier I got to leave this section work for itself for quite a while and me washing my clothes lah, hang up my clothes lah, then when I'm back only to find this page full and can reply to you.
You are most welcome, tell you the truth, many times when I visited you and LJ and the rest of the blogs to drop, tak dapat the full page out and the worst part is I cannot even see the drop section, that's the reason I tak drop pun lately and end up at FB. Now my blog rate is so teruk sampai drop down to 2 point, gila betul! I either tukar ke Maxis broadband or back to Streamyx, tak ada masa lah nak pi register balik Streamyx, I have to do it on the 3rd since I am taking off again from work after the new year celebrations.
As far as work is concerned, those top peoples like my work, now my immediately boss the MD, Sharifah Zainab is my friend at facebook and so is her husband's eldest brother, the General Manager, Fayad El-Ozeir is also a friend at FB and the wife Julie Salam, they just got a baby girl on 29th Dec 2010 their first child and are very happy!
Love you and hugs, I like to see you and LJ one day please, come to Al Rawsha and I make sure you both get discount, ok my dear.
:) ;) 8-) 8-) :* :* :* :*
Thanks, I do enjoy my work because I work independantly and I am the type who work without being pushed. Terbalik kot I yg dok call my bosses to brief them to update apa2 yg they got to know. Dulu kat Sidra, another Arab compay which belong to one of Osama Binladin's brother, my ex- boss Fouad Ghandour, also a Lebanese will call either me or another secretary if he was not in office to get the updated info. faxes or important phone calls. I biasa kerja dengan Sheikh Omar Binlandin semasa thye built the runway of KLIA in 1996. Sheikh Omar is also one of Osama Binladin's brothers with different mother, they are from Yemen and are very good business people. If you have a chance to go to Mecca and Madinah one day, you will see their great work in construction and building. Saudi Binladin is one of the biggest construction co. in the Middle-East. They build bridges, palaces, hospitals, schools, government offices, apartments, tunnels, etc and even the road leading to Taif. I have been to Taif, high up in the mountain and it is known as the "Hollywood of Saudi Arabia" and my rich are leaving there. My late uncle, Dr. Osama Radi who was a Director of the Islamic Association and a specialist in his own Metal hospital was staying there. I was leaving and eating like an Arab when I was there for 3 months with my late mum performing haj. I have seen and experienced how the Arab live. Very interesting indeed! All their women love shopping, hehehehe
:) ;) 8-) 8-) :* :* :* :*
Happy Fluffy Friday to you dear and also to all your darlin' meow, meow ... :* :* :* :* :*
many rich peole are living there...
Excuse me, I think a couple of time I dok put the wrong word, it is ..living.. and not ..leaving ...
Actually, I am quite particular with spelling tau .... 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Sampai dok kaat bilik mandi pun dok fikir balik I typed apa tadi???? I realized I typed ...leaving.. instead of : .... living ....
I biasa ajar budak2 kat Marang, selalu pesan mereka the difference, sometimes the sound same but with diff. meaning! =-O =-O =-O =-O :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
Hope you get better, Nicky
Sara Cat
Thanks for visiting and for your sweet comments. Today I took Nicky again for check-up, took back some vits. and "Frontline" solution to apply on Nicky's fur to kill all the fleas. He could even walk straight, it is a reminder to all pet owners that these parasites can damage the nerves of the victims, so if we know that our pets have fleas, it is better to visit the vet soonest possible.
I will also apply this solution to my other 4 cats who are in contact with Nicky to avoid them from having the same fate.
See you around, I will try to visit you too dear. Lines are so bad these days after I registered in Celcom Broadband, always interruptions here and there and most of the time I could not even see the "drop" widget on blogs leaving me with my Entrecard point so low. I am planning to register back to Streamyx to be normal again so that I can visit all blogs to drop my daily dropping.
Thanks again for visiting, my hello meow, meow to all your cats.
:) ;) 8-) :* :*
correction: he couldn't even walk straight ....
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